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International Educated Nurse in Canada

The shortage of healthcare professionals is an important issue both provincially and nationally. Internationally educated nurses (IENs) migrate to Canada for diverse reasons and under different immigration categories. In last couple of years, growing concerns have arisen over the numerous internationally educated health professionals, especially nurses, who are struggling to become re-certified or are unable to practice their profession in Canada.

Professional re-certification and securing their first jobs as regulated nurses are essential steps towards retaining IENs in the country of immigration, i.e. Canada. The workforce integration of IENs in Canada consists of two significant aspects: (1) achieving professional re-certification as a regulated nurse, accomplished by achieving success on a license exam, and (2) successfully securing employment as a regulated nurse to receive job satisfaction.

When IENs can practice their profession in their new countries, the healthcare systems profit by gaining valuable health care services by receiving culturally sensitive patient care. On the other hand, IENs as new immigrants also benefit by earning the job satisfaction and financial resources needed to care for their families and contribute economically to new communities and country. Many IENs become professionally re-certified and secure employment easily while others required professional assistance to integrate into the regulated nursing workforce.

In Canada, in all jurisdictions, to become eligible to take a licensure exam, nurses must provide educational equivalence, previous registration as a nurse in another country (if applicable). They must also provide evidence of suitability and ability to practice nursing safely, and establish language competency (English language).

Springfield College of Healthcare, Management & Technology specializes in nursing health care programs that prepare educated health care professionals for work in Canada by preparing them for the Canadian RN Examination or Canadian RPN Examination. At Springfield College, we educate and train students for professional success, gain the training and critical skills needed to start a rewarding career as a nurse in Canadian Healthcare. We have a dedicated team of instructors and staff eager to assist you to prepare for the national nursing licensing examinations. They will also help you provide training for various clinical skills enhancing programs such as Medication Administration, Patient Health Assessment and vital signs measurements etc.

Programs offered at the Springfield College will help to provide you with the training you need so that you too can achieve your dream career and an enriched quality of life.

At Springfield College, we prepare the students for following examinations-


  2. IELTS

  3. OSCE


  5. NCLEX – RN Exam Prep Program

  6. CPNRE RPN/LPN CNO PN Exam Prep Program


  • Attractive fees

  • Very convenient and easily accessible location at Brampton

  • Best knowledge and information with emphasis on practicable skills in relevant fields of jobs

  • Small class sizes for personalized attention and best learning experience

  • Highly knowledgeable and Healthcare industry expert faculties, dedicated to tutor and guide students throughout the course

  • Emphasis on one-to-one support

  • Extreme positive feedback for training and programs from past and present students

  • Definite assistance in Job search and help to get jobs

Contact us for customized schedule:


Bartley’s Square

1- Bartley Bull Parkway, Suite #19(2nd Floor)

Brampton, ON L6W3T7

(Oppo. Shoppers World Brampton, Above Food Basics)

Tel: 905-216-1600

E-Mail : info@

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