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Intamuscular Injection Training

Vaccine stimulates a person’s immune system to generate immunity to a specific disease and protects the individual from a particular disease. Vaccines can be administered through Intradermal, subcutaneous (subcut) or IM Injections, by mouth (p.o) or sprayed into the nose.

A possible side effect resulting from a vaccination is known as an adverse event. An adverse event following immunization/ vaccination is an unwanted or unexpected change in health that may occur following vaccine administration. For an instance Haemophilus influenza type B is a bacterium that can cause serious infections, including meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottitis, and sepsis. Typically an adverse event may include mild to moderate rash, swelling and tenderness of lymph nodes, fever of over 100°F and secondary blisters.

An adverse event may or may not be caused by the vaccine, though. Prior to immunization, individuals should be advised of the benefits and risks of the vaccine as well as the importance of immediately reporting an adverse event. As per the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other health care providers are required to inform the person who consents to immunization of the importance of immediately reporting of any reaction that may be a reportable event.

Causality assessment of adverse events to vaccines is difficult and requires special expertise. Regular and careful surveillance is also mandatory for all vaccines. Moreover, vaccines and drugs have to comply with standards of safety, quality and efficacy-for medicines and protective efficacy for vaccines.

The IM Injection program-1 day/2 days/3 days- training/ certification/ workshop at Springfield College helps prepare you get skills needed for a challenging career in a physician’s office, hospital or medical clinic. Students learn details and techniques of SC, IM injections, various vaccines, vaccines for children and adults, safe and effective IM Injection techniques, patient communication and preparations in healthcare.

For details of the IM Injection training program and the best training-



Health Care Department

Bartley’s Square

1- Bartley Bull Parkway, Suite # 19,

(Oppo. Shoppers World Brampton, Above Food Basics)

Brampton, ON, L6W 3T7

Tel: 905-216-1600

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